6 Common Misconceptions About diVa® Vaginal Therapy

diVa® Laser Vaginal Therapy is a revolutionary procedure for women suffering from symptoms like vaginal dryness, looseness, and urinary stress incontinence. This non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedure can help restore women’s vaginal health and wellness by sending precise hybrid fractional laser energy into the vaginal canal. With diVa Laser Vaginal Therapy offering such an effective method for addressing common intimate concerns among women, Nancy Neiderer, RN, BSN, our laser specialist, is debunking misconceptions many patients tend to have before undergoing the procedure.

1. diVa Laser Vaginal Therapy will be embarrassing. While many women are self-conscious about their intimate concerns, diVa therapy addresses common issues that countless women experience every day. Our team is dedicated to providing highly professional and private care to make your experience as pleasant and comfortable as possible.

2. diVa Laser Vaginal Therapy is only for women who had kids. While vaginal rejuvenation can provide significant improvement for unwanted changes caused by childbirth, women of various ages and those with or without children can often benefit from the non-surgical procedure.

3. diVa Laser Vaginal Therapy only helps older patients. Although women tend to experience more unwanted changes as they get older, such as from menopause, diVa Laser Vaginal Therapy is appropriate for women in a wide age range presenting with the related concerns. Eligibility for the procedure can only be determined during an in-person consultation.

4. diVa Laser Vaginal Therapy is a painful procedure. As with any procedure, patients are often worried their diVa therapy will hurt, making them hesitant to commit to the beneficial procedure. Our patients report having minimal discomfort during the procedure, only noticing mild pressure and sensitivity during the 3- to 7-minute procedure.

5. diVa Laser Vaginal Therapy requires downtime. Often referred to as a “lunchtime” procedure, diVa only requires a short procedural process, after which patients can immediately return to their normal schedule. No recovery is typically needed.

6. diVa Laser Vaginal Therapy treats the external genitalia. diVa therapy is specifically designed to treat the vaginal canal, only addressing this internal tissue. As a result, the treatment does not have an impact on the outer appearance of the female genitalia. To achieve improvement in the external genitalia with diVa technology, an attachment known as diVaTyte™ is required, which is a separate procedure that is not presently offered at Parva Plastic Surgery.

If you would like to learn more about the innovative diVa vaginal rejuvenation procedure, please contact Parva Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation with Nancy Neiderer, RN.

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