What Causes Large Breasts?

Excessively large breasts can create both physical discomfort and emotional turmoil. Women who suffer from breasts that are too large and out of proportion with their bodies can experience pain from the condition and self-consciousness in social situations. Men may also feel a severe lack of self-confidence or even depression due to an enlarged breast appearance.

The development of overly large breasts may be caused by a number of factors, including:


Genetics can play a large part in breast overdevelopment. A family history of the condition on either parent’s side may be a contributing element.

Hormonal Changes During Development

An increase in levels of estrogen and other hormones during puberty may stimulate excessive development in the breasts.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Hormone fluctuations, along with changes in breast size and shape, are common during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This can lead to significant breast growth.

Weight Gain

Excess fat can collect in the breasts due to weight gain, and may remain in the breasts even after weight loss.

Certain Types of Drugs and Medications

Potential links have been established between breast enlargement and the use of certain kinds of drugs/medications. Some research has shown that anabolic steroids and marijuana in particular may contribute to breast growth in men.

In many cases, diet and exercise alone will likely not have a significant effect on enlarged breasts, particularly if the condition is characterized by glandular tissue or a severe level of excess fat accumulation in the breasts. Fortunately, breast reduction surgery can be performed to effectively reduce breast size and renew contours in the area. Breast reduction can also be performed for men suffering from gynecomastia in order to remove excess fat and/or glandular tissue and give the chest a flatter appearance.

If you have questions about effective treatment options for enlarged breasts, please contact Parva Plastic Surgery today. Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Behzad Parva, MD, can meet with you for an initial consultation and to discuss your concerns and to review treatment options.

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